There are many ways to let a police officer know you appreciate them and the work that they do. Below are six easy ideas to get your brain thinking of ways to show your local Police Department how thankful you are.
- Say Thank You – It’s amazing how impactful a simple “thank you” can be. Most of us know the power of these two words because at some point in our lives someone said “thank you” and it was just what we needed to keep going. Police officers are no different. They spend their career striving to make our home towns a safe environment. We shouldn’t take that for granted but we should express our thanks regularly. Sept 17th, 2016 is National Thank a Police Officer Day.

- Pay the Bill– From time to time we all see police officers dining out at the same places we frequent. If you have the funds to do so, consider speaking with the server regarding the total on their bill and then pay for the meal. They don’t need to know who did it, all they need to feel is the appreciation for their work within the community.
- Send a Gift Basket – Take the time to put an array of snacks and goodies together and deliver it to your local Police Department with a note expressing your thanks for everyone (staff included) in the department’s hard work.
- Get Kids Involved– If you have kids and its during the summer months when school is out, considering making a food stand outside your home town Police Department. Maybe have complimentary hot dogs and lemonade to not only show the local department your appreciation and support but also to instill in kids a respect of officers at a young age.
Wear Blue– Often blue signifies the support of the police. Fly blue flags from your porch, wear blue clothing that undoubtedly is recognized as being in support of your local Police Department. On nation holidays supporting the Police be sure to get involved and participate with spirit!
- Use Social Media – Social media is powerful. It can be an incredible force for both good and bad. Posts on social media can/will spread like wild fire. Therefore take the time to every now and then make posts that are encouraging and uplifting of our police offers, their work, and department. You don’t have to agree with everything a department promotes, but find one thing that you appreciate and speak loudly regarding it. If you take one thing away from this blog, take away these thoughts and ideas regarding social media.
If you live in Southern Illinois and you ever need help getting in touch with your local PD in order to do something creative or special for the entire department, don’t hesitate to call our office. We would be happy to help you get in touch with your local department or simply help in any way we can. Call our office at 618-548-5768.