If you occupy a commercial building, your fire alarm needs to be inspected once a year.

Fire alarm inspections are critical because they keep you, your employees and your business safe. However, one aspect people often overlook is that without an inspection, you may have no idea that your fire alarm is broken or malfunctioning.
Essentially, a fire alarm inspection is the only assurance you have that your system is working, short of a fire occurring in your building, triggering the system.
Is it the time of year you’re anticipating a visit from the fire inspector?
If so, you’re probably hoping that your fire alarm system is up to code and paperwork is in order.
If you’re found in violation, you know the penalties that exist. Penalties for a failed fire alarm inspection may include any of the following:
- Fines
- Reinspection fees
- Citations
- Even prosecution for serious code violations
Types of Fire Alarm Inspections
Any commercial property equipped with a monitored fire alarm system must undergo one comprehensive inspection per year.
Comprehensive Fire Alarm Inspection
Every monitored fire alarm system according to the NFPA must be inspected each year by an approved servicing company.
This inspection is a comprehensive test of the fire alarm system and includes a testing of the alarm notification devices, such as manual pull stations, heat detectors, smoke detectors, and the 24hr monitoring connection.
Any issues that are found during the inspection should be immediately addressed and remedied in order to keep the facility protected and the system up to code.
Other Fire Alarm Equipment Testing Requirements
Many organizations must also complete additional testing on some fire equipment components on a more frequent basis than the comprehensive annual inspection.
These equipment tests can be conducted by your facility staff, which needs to be documented but is not required to be completed by an approved security company.
Refer to the NFPA 72 for specifics on conducting this inspection.
Commercial Fire Inspection Schedules
In short, commercial fire alarms will need to be tested several times per year, once for a complete inspection. Talk to your security provider about getting set up for regular inspections.
Don’t Sweat Fire Alarm Inspections
If you do not have a current service provider or if you are unhappy with your current one, please reach out to the team at Security Alarm.
We take care of commercial fire alarm inspections every day and get you on a regular inspection schedule so you don’t have to give it a second thought.