Knowing exactly when and who is opening and closing up the business for the day is comforting to business owners. Security Alarm provides two different avenues by which managers or owners can keep tabs on the beginning and ending of each day.
Arming Commercial System Alerts
For years some managers have requested what is referred to as Opening & Closing Reports. Businesses that utilize these reports typically have various employees that are arming and disarming the alarm at the beginning and end of each day. In order to track who is using the alarm, each employee is designated a specific user code. A report is then generated showing who opened and closed that day and at what time the events occurred. For example the report would show that user code (3241) John disarmed the system at 6:00 a.m. and user code (5617) Jane armed the system at 5:00 p.m. on January 15th. Typically employers request these reports at the end of the week but it is possible that they could be sent more or less often if there is a need. Another feature that Security Alarm offers which nicely complements the Opening and Closing report is the request of a phone call informing the employer that the alarm has not been armed or disarmed by the designated time. For example, an employer may want to be contacted if by 6:30 a.m. the alarm has not yet been disarmed. This would inform him that his employee is late and give him the knowledge to take whatever steps necessary.
Wireless Alarm Monitoring
More recently, customers have begun moving away from landline monitoring and instead new technology communicates with the monitoring agency via cell towers. Not only is wireless monitoring safer, but it also allows customers to control their system from their smart phone. This new cell app possesses countless features that appeal to business owners. One such feature is the capability of sending a text and/or e-mail alarm anytime the system is armed or disarmed. The employer then has the benefit of seeing who tampered with the alarm and when it occurred. The instantaneous alert is what sets this feature apart from the Openings & Closings report discussed previously. With the report employers see who opened and closed for each day at the end of the week. With the cellular app, they are instantly notified and do not have to wait until the end of the week or at the earliest the end of the day. Openings & Closings have their place, but switching to cellular monitoring and utilizing the cellular app is a cost effective alternative for business owners.
Want to know which security solution is right for your business? Contact one of our commercial security experts online or at 618-513-9095 today.
