YES. It’s Simple – and Effective
Door and window sensors are easy to install, and are remarkably effective. Most door/window sensors being installed today are wireless, which means no messy wiring. There are even wireless recessed sensors, if you don’t want to see the sensors at all.
Where Do Burglars Break In
There’s an excellent reason why these devices are the core of any good alarm system: intruders invariably try to enter through a door first. Burglary entry stats look like this:
- 34 percent of burglars enter through the front door
- 26 percent enter through a back or basement door
- 9 percent enter through the garage
That’s almost three quarters of all burglaries starting with a door – now you see why the layout of every Security Alarm System starts with exterior doors (Note: don’t forget the door from the garage into the house!). The intruder wants an easy entry- and a fast and easy exit, ideally with an armload of your stuff.
How Do Alarm Sensors Work
If the window or door is in a closed position your alarm system can be armed. When the door or window opens, an alarm event is triggered and a signal is immediately sent to our 24 hour monitoring center.
We recommend that you place your Sensors on all doors and windows. Any area that could be accessible to an intruder. If you live on an upper floor, this likely includes your front door and a fire escape in the back. If you live on the ground floor, you can use the Motion Sensor to fill-in coverage in a room with lots of windows. You may also want to consider purchasing additional sensors for extra protection.
Will you be notified of open doors or windows if your system is unarmed
You can get an email on your smartphone every time a door opens in your house, and it tells you which door – even when the alarm systems not armed. That way you get to keep track of your family and service providers as they come and go throughout the day. It’s great for monitoring dog walkers – or even kids coming in late at night!
Security Alarm is all about making our community and customers smarter than the crooks that target them. For more information on window and door sensors, please contact us.