What is a monitoring company?
When you make the choice to get an alarm system you can choose whether you want it monitored 24/7 or not. Monitoring means that when your system is tripped, that alert is immediately sent to a 24 hr monitoring company where a REAL person receives the signal and immediately follows procedure.
What do they monitor and how?
Your monitoring agency monitors any alerts from your system that you want and follows the procedures that you desire. They monitor burglar systems, fire protection, panic buttons, and countless other devices. Every account is customized to the customer’s needs. With monitoring, a home or business can choose to have someone else notified before the authorities. If they want the police to be the first call that can happen as well. Some accounts even have special instructions for the authorities upon arrival. Flexibility is probably one the greatest benefits of the monitoring company that Security Alarm utilizes.
Why is monitoring important?
Having a monitored system is what gives your security system a back bone. To have a burglar system in your home that only makes noise and does not alert anyone is like having a dog that’s “all bark and no bite”; meaning it’s only effective to a point. If you are in a deep sleep and a fire breaks out, there is a possibility that you would sleep through the beeping of a smoke detector. If you are away from your home you DEFINITELY aren’t going to hear the smoke detectors sounding. That is why MONITORED fire detection is VITAL. Know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that when there is a fire the authorities will be immediately notified and in route to your home. It important that you have the peace of mind only a MONITORED security system can give.